Our new Nursery Class is open! Contact the school office to book a visit!

Admissions Arrangements

The application window for a place in Reception in September 2025 is open. If you have any questions about the application process, please do not hesitate to contact our school office. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025. 

Starting in Early Year Foundation Stage

Children are able to start at Mount Charles in the school year in which they become five.

Parents of children starting school for the first time must follow the Local Authority procedure. This process is detailed here. Please note there is a very important deadline for all schools in Cornwall.

You can request that your child attends part-time until he/she is of compulsory school age (for more information please follow the link above). Admission authorities will agree to such a request where it appears to be in the best interest of the child.

Upon successfully gaining a place to start at Mount Charles School, you will receive information from the Foundation Stage teachers with information on the events (such as information evenings and taster sessions) which take place to introduce you and your child to our school.

In-Year Admissions

The Local Authority currently manage admissions to the School. Click here to find details on the application process, the criteria which come into place if the school is over subscribed and the appeals procedures.

We have 60 places in each year group, except year 3 in which we have 30 places, a limit we are not usually able to exceed unless an appeal for a place, through the Local Authority, is successful.

Consultation on School Admission Arrangements 2025/26

A consultation is taking place from 1 December to 31 January 2025 on the admission arrangements for Cornwall Education Learning Trust Schools  (CELT schools.

The planned admissions number (PAN) for admission in the normal year of admission for our schools, in the school year commencing September 2025 is changing. We have made amendments to the over subscription criteria to ensure consistency at all CELT schools

Have your say

We’d like to hear what you think about the proposed admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria for the schools listed on this page.

If you have any comments, queries or concerns about school admission arrangements, you can email the school directly or any comments or queries can also be sent to CELT direct on info@celtrust.org.

Any feedback received will be treated confidentially.