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Mount Charles Curriculum Statement


We are proud of our carefully planned curriculum which excites, promotes and sustains pupils’ interests; fostering a natural curiosity and thirst for learning. Pupils are taught how to be reflective learners, acquire new skills and build resilience. They develop a rich and deep subject knowledge by demonstrating creativity in a variety of interesting contexts. They learn how to respect themselves and others; recognising that people are good at different things whilst developing self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities. Ensuring opportunities for all to thrive within a supportive environment and reflect mindfully on learning is central to school life at Mount Charles. Pupils with SEND and their access to the full curriculum offer is considered with care from skills and knowledge content included in progression maps, to curriculum policy, planning and delivery. Furthermore, considerable thought and planning is given to the curriculum offer for pupils who are identified as ‘disadvantaged’. Ensuring these pupils have a broad and balanced curriculum diet including extra-curricular activities and residential experiences is an important part of the school’s pupil premium strategy. Exploring democracy across the curriculum, the importance of becoming an active citizen and making a positive contribution to the school, local community and the wider world is embedded in the school journey for pupils. We value the whole child by ensuring that learning can be found in a variety of ways including through a wide range of extra-curricular activities, quality resources, developing meaningful partnerships with visitors in the local and wider community and offering educational trips and residentials. Involvement of parents and carers to further enhance their children’s learning and development is of paramount importance and we ensure that parents and carers are included in the celebration of their child’s learning and development. It is our intention to ensure every pupil thrives as an individual; valuing who they are now and being aspirational for their future, who they may become and what they will go on to achieve.



We are proud to offer an exciting curriculum grounded on four cornerstones: Engage, Develop, Innovate and Express. This authentically cross-curricular approach is designed to enrich learning and enable the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum. Subject skills and knowledge are coherently sequenced and delivered through a range of engaging learning projects. Age related expectations combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for every child. Day-to-day planning, teaching narrative and lesson delivery are supported by high-quality, knowledge-rich resources and include knowledge organisers, which set out the key knowledge children need as they progress across the curriculum. The Cornerstones Curriculum has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong cross curricular links. Outstanding classroom environments stimulate and engage quality thinking and reasoning. Coaching supports all staff to further develop curriculum pedagogy and our feedback policy allows opportunity for children to reflect on their learning and consider their next steps with care.



The impact of the curriculum is measured by outcomes in books, conversations with pupils about their learning and assessment of knowledge and skills learnt and retained over time. Curriculum leaders’ triangulated monitoring shows that pupils have learnt the intended knowledge and skills detailed in progression maps, they can use the relevant tier 2 and 3 vocabulary intended for their year group and new knowledge and skills have been learnt, applied and retained over time. Appropriate challenge and support is in place for all learners including those with SEND or those in receipt of the pupil premium grant and subsequently, all pupils thrive and realise their full potential. Most importantly, pupils are academically, socially and emotionally prepared for secondary school as well as life in modern Britain and the wider world. Positive learning behaviours and habits are fostered from the Early Years Foundation Stage and throughout their school journey so that they may become effective life-long learners.